Reincarnation Video

A great night on Saturday speaking to all the lovely folks at Poole Spiritualist Church. Many thanks to the fabulous Lawrence for hosting the event, a great opportunity to tell folks about the amazing work of Dr Helen Wambach. Check it out on the link below.



Dr Helen Wambach books to be republished!

Greetings All,
It is always with some sadness that I report during my talks that Dr Wambach’s books are out of print and have been since the 1990s. Last year I was contacted by a lady in the UK with connections to a publishing house who was very interested in republishing the books, we did some detective work at the time but couldn’t get anywhere with contacting her only daughter.
I was booked in to give a talk in Glastonbury, UK yesterday. So a few days beforehand I emailed my UK contact to check if any more progress had been made. Apparently not, was the answer but she sent off some more emails and I’m very happy to announce that two hours before I was to give my talk an email came through from Helen’s daughter who would be delighted to have her mother’s books republished. So that is great news, early days of course but looking forward to seeing her wonderful books back in the shops before too long.

The Celestial Database Theory

At one of my public talks I was asked a question about the origin of the past lives that Dr Helen Wambach and others were discovering when their subjects were regressed. The suggestion was made that on the point of death when the body and brain die all the information of that person’s life are uploaded automatically to a celestial database and this is what is being accessed during hypnotic regression. As these are real lives then it follows that Dr Wambach checks on historical accuracy would of course be correct.

This is an interesting theory but it presupposes that there is some automatic uploading to a celestial database of every detail of a person’s life which occurs at the moment of death. Alternatively, such details could be uploading all the time, every moment of every day. We know that the brain records every detail of our lives which can be accessed using hypnosis.

From a purely scientific point of view there is no evidence for any celestial database containing intimate details of all the many billions of lives that have occurred. Science tells us there is nothing left when we die. Once the brain dies that is the end and we are just become a memory in the minds of the people who knew us in the life just extinguished.

What we find in both Dr Wambach’s and in Dr Newtons work is the amazing amount of information regarding the death experience and all the details of what happens in the spirit world, all the healing, discussions and life reviews that go on. All this information correlates perfectly and is very consistent over the many thousands of hypnotic regressions performed. This information could not come from a celestial database that is only recording past lives. Similarly, all the fascinating detail of people we know in this life whom we have also known in past lives could not have come from this database of past lives.

For these reasons the celestial database hypothesis does not explain what has been found in the thousands of hypnotic regressions performed. So I would argue it is not a viable proposition.


I always used to think that it was only a matter of time before planet earth would evolve into some kind of higher level where we would all live an enlightened existence. As a young man I was inspired by authors such as Aldous Huxley and his vision in the book ‘Island’ and thought yes that could work on a global scale. In the late 1980s and early 90s I was heavily into channeled entities who told us all about the great ‘Ascension’ that was to come, where the earth would go through a massive vibrational change. We paid our 5 UK pounds and sat round in someone’s front room where a genuinely sincere individual would channel Sananda and other entities and we learned all about the photon belt and what would happen after the Ascension when Jesus and all his chums would return to Earth. Other entities such as Ashtar from the galactic federation told us that space ships would land soon and take us all away to a beautiful place. Some of my friends had their bags packed ready for the off! 25 years later and still no spaceships, what a disappointment! Ah well serves me right for being so gullible, although it was fun and exciting to imagine it all happening! Don’t get me wrong though I am not against channeling it’s a very important source of information, one just has to be very wary and feel confident in the entities being channeled.

davide-cantelli-143765It’s now clear to me that there will never be a ‘Golden Age’ here on planet earth for that is not its primary function. The golden age of ‘unconditional love’ already exists in spirit and in many other planetary locations all over the universe. We came from unconditional love before we incarnated here. Earth is unique in our vast universe as the only planet where duality exists, the only planet where we forget our past existences and have total choice and free will. It is in the nature of duality here on Earth that good and evil, positive and negative must exist in balance. Earth is incredibly complex and diverse and extremely beautiful, it is also full of very kind and considerate human beings but that is balanced by other humans who delight in extremes of cruelty, torture and making war on their neighbours as well as those who are doomed to suffer at their hands. Horrible though that may sound it is part of the nature of the duality here on Earth. Bizarre as it may seem souls have been queuing up to incarnate here on Earth to experience this duality. All of us in our past lives have been rapists, murders and torturers as well as the victims of those crimes. It is only by experiencing such evil that we can really appreciate the universal and unconditional love that exists outside of this earth existence. That is why ‘Source’ created Earth to feel and understand the opposite to what it was used to.

rachel-pfuetzner-395513Down here on 3rd dimensional planet Earth it really is hard to get our heads around this. If we as individuals raise our energy through mediation or other means and we shed negativity then other incarnated souls will gather that negativity to them because they want to experience it. That is the nature of balance in duality. Seven billion souls are currently incarnated on this planet which is close to the maximum it can support. The majority of the souls are having a really shit time but it’s what they chose to experience and they will learn from that experience. Many of us here today have been through all that crap in our past lives and have incarnated here to help others either through therapy or other means. We chose to come here into all this chaos to help ourselves and to help others and once again experience the majesty and diversity that is this wonderful and complex planet, there is nothing like it anywhere else in this vast universe.
Blessings to you all!

Dr Wambach Video

Greetings all, finally got round to making a video of Dr Wambach’s work
I hope you find the video below of interest. I am attempting to revise the work of a little-known psychologist and one of my all-time heroines the wonderful Dr Helen Wambach. Back in the 1970s she devised a unique group hypnotic regression program to take people back to past lives. She then enabled people in that group to remember their experiences and write them down. That data was then correlated against historical fact to produce the closest thing to scientific proof of reincarnation. Sadly, Dr Wambach passed away in 1985 but not before she had regressed over 6,000 people. Her work is largely forgotten and her books are out of print but I’ve been on a mission to revive her work and have been giving talks in the UK on the subject. So here is the first of a series of videos I will be making. It’s on YouTube and it’s 30 mins long, essentially a condensed version of her two books that were published in 1978. Hope you find it interesting. Best wishes, David.

Future lives

Future Lives

Dr Wambach said in one of her radio interviews that she thought it was inadvisable to ask subjects under hypnosis about their future lives. She believed that this could have an undue influence on their current life direction especially if the future life reported was unpleasant. I believe this makes good sense and shows a responsible attitude and respect for the subject under hypnosis. The reporting of future lives also introduces a further question around can a subject under hypnosis accurately report on a life that technically hasn’t happened yet?

Dial and mechanism of an opened full hunter vintage pocket watch showing the cogs and wheels surrounded by the numerals

It also brings in questions around how time operates in the spirit world. Can we incarnate in different time periods which may coexist in the same area of space and time. For example, in the spirit world can we have a life a thousand years in the future then decide that our next life might be in the past say in medieval time? To me it doesn’t make any sense, I would agree that time has far less consequences in the spirit world than is does on earth but to assert that time does not exist at all in the spirit world in nonsensical. If we incarnate on earth then come back to spirit and review that life then time has moved on and our experience has been added to. These are sequential events, at one point we are in spirit, then we have an incarnation and then we come back to spirit to review how it went. These events happen one after the other, time may be stretched or compressed of course and it may be irrelevant but it still exists and its sequential.

This brings us to the question of can a subject under hypnosis accurately report on a future life? One of Dr Wambach’s workshop participants who later became a therapist in his own right is Chet B Snow. He went on to perform similar group regressions and asked the subjects to report back on their future lives over several time periods. He produced a book of his findings called “Mass Dreams of the Future,” in this he reported on lives in various time periods in the future. The ones from the distant future tended to be all very ‘space age’ as well as ‘new age’ which one might expect.

Interestingly lives reported in the near future, in the 1990s were generally somewhat negative and seemed to indicate a significant disaster at the end of the Millennium. Lives reported immediately following this were few and far between, indicating fewer incarnations which might be expected if a disaster had destroyed a lot of people. Now his research was collected in the early 1980’s and the book published in 1989. Clearly we can now see in hindsight that the major disaster indicated didn’t happen so were those lives reported real or fantasy or were they lives reported based on an extrapolation of current events at the time of asking. The subjects asked were living in a time period in the late 70’s and early 1980s when the cold war was at its height so it would not be surprising that folks would view the future in a rather negative light.


We know that subjects under hypnosis are very keen to cooperate with the therapist and answer questions as accurately as they can so I would suggest they were tending to come up with future lives based on a best guess analysis. One could hypothesise that the subjects were perhaps tapping into another parallel universe where the disaster did happen and those lives were real. This of course brings up a whole new batch of questions such as how many parallel universes are there, why are they there, what is their function, do we really alternate our lives between these universes. Personally as there is no evidence for parallel universes I would argue that there aren’t any.

One big question that must be answered though is if subjects under hypnosis are able to report on what is in effect fantasy lives from the future, how many of the past lives reported are also fantasy? This of course is the questions that Helen Wambach asked when she started her research and she has shown that the past lives recalled were definitely not fantasy. That’s because she was able to check the lives reported in great detail against known historical facts. That of course is not possible with a future life.

So in summary if the subject under hypnosis is eager to respond to the therapist then they will do their best to accurately report on past lives that have actually been lived. We know this because the details can be checked against historical data. The same cannot be said of future lives and it’s an area where we must show caution and a healthy degree of scepticism.

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Accessing past lives through the Akashic records

edgar-cayceEdgar Cayce (1877-1945) was a Christian mystic who for forty-three years of his adult life possessed the uncanny ability to lie down on a couch, close his eyes, fold his hands over his stomach, and put himself into an altered state in which virtually any type of information was available. When asked about the source of his information, Cayce replied that there were essentially two. The first was the subconscious mind of the individual for whom he was giving the reading and the second was the Akashic Records.

The Akashic records are akin to a universal database of all the past lives, thoughts and events of all individuals that have ever existed. These are held in the astral plane and not normally accessible.

At a recent talk I gave the question was raised about the Akashic records and if these are being accessed during hypnotic regression. It was suggested that when an individual is regressed hypnotically perhaps they are actually tuning into the universal Akashic records of all the people who have lived and died in the past and accessing a random life as if it were a past life lived by the person under hypnosis.

Trinity-College-Library-Dublin-1024x675This is an interesting suggestion which needs serious consideration. The first point to consider is under what circumstances could an individual gain access to this vast database of all past lives. It is feasible that under hypnosis an individual could gain access to their own past lives but one cannot assume that such access includes everyone else’s past life histories. Edgar Cayce only accessed the records of the person he was giving a reading for. In fact some authorities on the Akashic records state that access to past lives other than your own is forbidden except under exceptional circumstances. One would expect that the records are guarded by spirit entities with some degree of integrity and would not allow any unauthorised access!

Even if the records were completely open and under hypnosis everyone else had access to all past lives one might expect that the same life record might float to the top of the database so in a group hypnosis of the type that Dr. Helen Wambach employed the same life might appear to a majority of the participants. This was certainly not the case.

Another point to consider is that of relationships, Dr Wambach’s subjects all reported quite detailed relationships. Many relationships to people in a past life were repeated in the present life. If past life recall is actually the lives of other people selected randomly then these relationships would have no meaning. It is clear from Dr Wambach’s research that relationships were or paramount importance to each individual.

Another possibility is that if past lives were accessed randomly from a vast database of everyone that has lived one might expect the most recent past lives to be stronger and have more prominence. It’s further possible that the most recent past lives might be simultaneous or existing at the same time as the person under hypnosis or overlapping their lives. This has been shown not to be the case.

As a result I find it quite unlikely that the past lives accessed under hypnosis are plucked randomly from the Akashic records. We can never be 100% certain of anything of course but the balance of probability is that the lives accessed are actually the past lives of the person under hypnosis.

Reincarnation: Choosing your Life

Reincarnation: Choosing your Life

Dr Wambach discovered that folks choose their lives. They may choose the life themselves or they may receive help and advice in choosing. We may of course not be all that keen to reincarnate again but it does appears that returning to a physical incarnation is something we accept as a natural part of our development process. Many readers might think, ‘No way, I would never have chosen this life,’ but if things appear difficult then that is because there are challenges to be overcome in every life. Dr Wambach also discovered that folks incarnate with other people they have known from previous lifetimes. This can be because we have relationships to work out between those individuals, perhaps we didn’t get on in a past life so this time we can try a bit harder. Or they are people we incarnate with who have chosen to work with us and help us through difficult times or help us to achieve certain objectives. There are many permutations and it must quite a logistical headache for the giant ‘spirit computer’ in the sky to bring it all together.

arjuna battleThinking about choices in life I’m reminded of the Bhagavad Gita which I came across many years ago when I was hungry for all thing to do with reincarnation. The Gita is part of the epic Mahabharata Hindu text. In the Gita, Prince Arjuna an acclaimed archer is about to start a battle against a rival family who are after his kingdom. The two armies are massed ready to fight. Arjuna is fortunate to have one of the Hindu deities Lord Krishna as his chariot driver. Arjuna though has a crisis just before the battle, he sees his relatives, teachers and friends in the two armies and his self-assurance melts away. His bow slips from his hands and he sits dejectedly in his chariot his eyes filling with tears. He tells Krishna. “I cannot slay my kinsmen not for all the three worlds much less a kingdom.” Krishna turns to Arjuna and says, “This is your hour of trial Arjuna, such base despair does not become you, it is inappropriate. The call to battle has already been sounded arise and take up your arms.” This surprising response from Krishna is followed by telling Arjuna, “The soul in man is neither born nor can it die. Weapons cannot cut it. Fire cannot burn it. Water cannot wet it. Wind cannot dry it. What makes you think you can kill the soul? Just as a man discards old clothes and wears new ones the eternal soul sheds a dead body and enters another.”

reincarnation7_battleSo Krishna is telling Arjuna to stop feeling sorry for himself and do his duty and get on with the battle. You can kill your enemies but not their souls which reincarnate in new bodies. Now you would be forgiven for thinking Arjuna has a point, why start a war against your relatives, surely there must a better way. But we have Krishna in the driving seat and Krishna has a different view on the matter. Pretty unlikely I know but if Jesus had been Arjuna’s chariot driver it would have been a case of turn the other cheek, make up and let’s go home for a spot of supper. Not so with Krishna. although I have read many interpretations of the Gita I still feel a little uncomfortable about it. Krishna does finish off his pep talk to Arjuna with a fantastic spectacle where Krishna reveals himself to Arjuna in his divine form. This does the trick and Arjuna goes on to win the battle and keep his kingdom. We can see Krishna’s point of view as well in that Arjuna has a job to do in fulfilling his destiny, overcoming his doubts and defeating his enemies. Good triumphing over evil and you could argue its a life lesson for the vanquished foes to suffer and perhaps that was one of their lessons they incarnated to learn.

So in our owns lives there are occasions when we have to make life changing decisions and it’s hard. We have to sleep on it, discuss it with close friend’s because that’s maybe why they incarnated at the same time to help us make the right choice.

“The god Krishna explains karma yoga to Arjuna. He tells him he must act, but not be attached to the fruits of his actions. He must fulfil his duty as a warrior and fight for good to triumph over evil. Krishna reveals his divine form to Arjuna on the battlefield. As he does Arjuna sees the whole universe subdivided into many worlds but united in the body of the highest Deity.”

Christianity and Reincarnation



 Christianity and Reincarnation

The early Christian Gnostics used the symbol of Ouroboros a dragon swallowing its tail signifying the wheel of death and rebirth. The Gnostics aspired to become living Christs, beings that ultimately conquer spiritual ignorance. This transformation was to happen not after death but on earth within a physical body. Failure to achieve this goal meant being trapped in the death and rebirth cycle of Ouroboros. In the Gnostic “Secret book of John,” written before 185 A.D. Jesus explains to the apostle John that human souls are recycled by Jehovah, constantly thrown into forgetfulness and prisons, (prison here refers to the gnostic term for the physical body). John asks him how a soul can become liberated from the Ouroborous. Jesus answers saying ‘This soul needs to follow another soul in whom the Spirit of life dwells, because she is saved through the Spirit. Then she will never be thrust into flesh again.’  Thrust into flesh means reincarnation a term which has all but disappeared from the bible. 

To understand why reincarnation was removed from the Christian teachings we need to consider the role of the roman emperor Justinian who in 545 A.D. was able to apply the full power of Rome and his authority to stop any teaching of reincarnation. He forced the ruling cardinals to draft a papal decree stating that anyone who believes that souls come from God and return to God will be punished by death.

Justinian was advised by his bishops that a belief in reincarnation meant that people would think themselves the equal of Jesus who of course also came from God into a physical body. This means the church would not have control over people if those people believed that like Jesus they originated from God.

So the decree turned this around by stating that God creates souls at the moment of conception and souls could only go to heaven if they followed the church’s teachings. This was a great way of keeping control over people because if they didn’t follows the church then damnation would be the result. So in one decree reincarnation was wiped from Christian teachings and has never been reinstated. Essentially it suited the church quite nicely to keep the people in ignorance believing the only way to salvation was by devotion to the church otherwise a life of eternal torment in hell would result after death.

The downside to this of course was that bad people might think well I’ve been bad so I’m doomed might as well carry on and be bad and reject the church. So the church introduced confessions which means people who had done ‘bad’ things could confess their sin and be given a mild punishment to absolve them from wrongdoing and get them back into the fold. The state known as purgatory was also conceived which meant if you were reasonably good but a bit sinful then a period in purgatory, (which is a place not as bad as Hell but still a bit rough), could absolve you from your sins and make you ready for heaven.

Later on the church realised there could be profit in extending this to the granting of indulgences which means those with money could buy their way out of sin and still get into heaven by purchasing some of these indulgences. A kind of ‘get out of jail free’ card which became very prevalent in medieval times.

Indulgences and purgatory eventually ran out of credibility and fashion. The modern view is that indulgences have been toned down and involve a fair bit of penance and not cash to gain your way to salvation. Similarly purgatory is still believed in in the Catholic Church but its role is played down and treated as a step on the way to heaven.

Reincarnation is certainly not part of the thinking of the Catholic and Anglican churches and probably never will be. Interestingly Dr Wambach was expecting some flak from the church over her research findings but to her surprise the church, especially some of the “born agains” regarded it as proof of an afterlife even if they didn’t all together agree with the mechanism of reincarnation.

David Pye, February 2016


What happens when we die?

What happens when we die?

As a child trotting off to Sunday school at weekends I felt very uncomfortable with the notion of a heaven that we all go to when we die. According to Christianity God creates a new soul at the moment of conception, so having created all these souls God has to do something with them when the body dies. It just seemed to my young brain that if everyone floated off to heaven when they die then the place would be heaving with billions and billions of souls. ‘Where would they all fit’ I asked and ‘what would they do all day.’ ‘The Lord moves in mysterious ways’. came the answer. Well he certainly would have to, I thought, to fit all that lot in!
It also seemed totally unjust that some people are born into privileged lives with long life spans and others can be born into a famine zone in Africa and die of malnutrition at the age of 12 months. Where is the equality in that?

It was by reading the books of Lobsang Rampa when I was 13 that I learned about reincarnation, ‘that sounds far more sensible’ I thought, ‘much more of a level playing field.’ Now I know old Lobsang turned out not to be a Tibetan lama but a plumber from Devon but that didn’t matter as he set me off down the path of eastern philosophy and it all made much more sense.

Although Hinduism and Buddhism explained about the wheel of karma, birth and death and striving to get off that wheel to reach enlightenment I felt it wasn’t that clear on the mechanism behind how lives are chosen. There was always this uncomfortable impression that you could return as an animal as punishment for bad karma or past life misdemeanours. That seemed unfair to animals that they were regarded as lesser creatures and it didn’t feel like an efficient system that your ‘soul’ could be bobbing about between animal and human incarnations. What’s the point behind it all I wanted to know.

Coming across the work of Dr Helen Wambach revealed the mechanism behind reincarnation where human souls continually incarnate as humans and not as animals. As you will see by reading the research for yourself there appears to be a complex mechanism and a grand plan for life on earth. We are incarnated here many times to learn, experience and achieve certain objectives that will add to the greater knowledge of the universe.